In the magical land of Bunnyville, the boxes dreams of becoming the greatest egg collector. Every year, Bunnyville hosts the Egg-stravaganza, where Boxes jump over elastics to catch magical colored eggs. Boxes must navigate through various challenging paths filled with moving elastics and tricky obstacles. As Boxes collects more eggs, new areas of Bunnyville open up, each with tougher challenges. The ultimate goal is to find the rare Rainbow Egg, hidden in the most difficult part of Bunnyville.
Sushi Bros
Find Your Gender
Traffic Speed Racing
Innocent Hexa Puzzle
Mad Max Zombie Arena
Game On Cat vs Rats
Little Yellowmen Jumping
Knife Train Test
Mrs. Zombie
Catch Him
Zenifer Adventure
Cute Folding Paper
Venom Rush
Move Square
Smash Fruits
Weapons Sounds Simulator
Utka Clash
Real Flight Simulator
FlappyCat Crazy Copters
Counter Craft: Battle Royale
Attack Alien Moon
Kids Camping 2
Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich
Cursed Pirate Rescue
Royal Elite Archer Defense
The Quest for Knowledge
Extreme Car Driving Simulator
Dop Puzzle Erase Master
Sake Hockey